Academic Tutoring Resources

How Tutoring Can Help Close The COVID 19 Achievement Gap


As parents, you know all too well that remote learning and the hybrid approach are just not the same for your children as being in school face-to-face with teachers and peers. Since March of 2020, school felt like a car that needed some serious work. It started and stopped, it started and stopped, in that in-person school suddenly converted to full remote learning then a hybrid, followed by in-person, then rinse and repeat. Obviously, this hasn’t been good for learning or socialization, the two key markers for school success. After a school year in which many of the nation's approximately 56 [...]

How Tutoring Can Help Close The COVID 19 Achievement Gap2022-05-05T20:07:03+00:00

5 Ways Tutoring Makes Home Life Easier


HOW DOES LESS STRESS SOUND? “I love working a full day, having no time to decompress, and staying up late to make sure my daughter finishes her homework,” said no parent ever. Work/life balance has always been difficult to achieve even before the pandemic, and while stress has become second nature to so many of us, wouldn’t it be great to alleviate some? This is where tutoring comes in. Sure, tutoring improves your child’s grades and confidence at school, but it can also help improve life at home. Quite often, troubles at school end up translating to tension at home, which impacts EVERYONE under your [...]

5 Ways Tutoring Makes Home Life Easier2022-05-05T20:07:08+00:00
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