“I love working a full day, having no time to decompress, and staying up late to make sure my daughter finishes her homework,” said no parent ever.

Work/life balance has always been difficult to achieve even before the pandemic, and while stress has become second nature to so many of us, wouldn’t it be great to alleviate some?

This is where tutoring comes in.
Sure, tutoring improves your child’s grades and confidence at school, but it can also help improve life at home. Quite often, troubles at school end up translating to tension at home, which impacts EVERYONE under your roof.
Fewer at-home battles + better grades and study habits = a win-win.
Here are 5 ways tutoring makes home life easier.
1. Less Time Fighting to Get Homework Done
Even young learners who enjoy school don’t always enjoy homework. Working with a professional tutor can establish a set number of hours each day or week where your child is completing assignments, studying, or working through complicated classroom problems.
Spending less time arguing to get homework done helps with reducing stress levels at home both for you and your child.
2. More Time as a Family
If you’re not a teacher or tutor, the methods behind some homework and study sessions can seem daunting. This leaves parents trying to figure out course material before teaching a child how to complete an at-home assignment.
Delegating homework and study tasks to a tutor lets you enjoy the free time you have with your family, instead of spending it trying to teach yourself and then your young learner how to work through a problem.
3. Professional Learning Strategies
Tutoring offers professional learning strategies at home, foregoing any guesswork regarding assignments or curriculum outcomes. Having a professional tutor ensures your child is studying the right material and using the right strategies for each lesson.
Having an organized strategy toward learning saves time on individual subjects, letting your young learner streamline study times and free up space for playdates, extracurricular activities, and time to just chill and relax.
4. Improved Self Esteem
Tutoring leads to a stronger sense of subject matter, and understanding the teacher’s instruction in the classroom reinforces a sense of self. Improved self-esteem at school carries over when your young learner returns home. Higher self-esteem may also reflect in your child’s mood. Improved self-esteem is incredibly empowering for students.
5. Something to Share
Tutoring sessions improve your home life, not only by reducing stress and increasing self-esteem but by creating something new to discuss. After tutoring sessions, you’ll have something relatable to chat about. Taking an interest in your child encourages feelings of satisfaction and bonding. To deepen your connection, try making a point to ask about what your child and their tutor are working on, characteristics of the tutor they like, and what they found enjoyable about that day’s lesson.
No matter what, there will always be daily stressors that a family must contend with, and the challenge is taking a step back and figuring out where you can leverage assistance to take the pressure off.
Tutoring is certainly worth the investment.